Women’s Ministries Operation Christmas Drop

December 10 - 17 2020

Operation Christmas Drop is an opportunity to bring hope and joy to the ladies in our community. Here’s how it works:
1. Ask Jesus who could use encouragement and connection this season. It could be ladies who you would usually invite to our Christmas banquet, a neighbour, a friend or family member.
2. Pick up the Operation Christmas Drop kits (available for pick up at the church office or in the foyer after Sunday services). Write an encouraging note in the Christmas card provided. Don’t forget to grab a kit for yourself as well!
3. From December 10th-17th, deliver a kit to each person on your list. Take time to connect with each individual. A few ideas: porch drop off followed up with a phone call, get together for a winter walk, tea or coffee date.
That’s it! Please contact the church office with any questions.
Thank you for being courageous and bringing the love and hope of Jesus to our community this Christmas.